I've always prided myself on being a lifelong learner. I've been watching the rise of massive open-source on-line courses with great interest and curiosity. All of my education was done the traditional way: sit in a classroom with a lecturer and other students on a fixed schedule, do homework, take tests, let material diffuse into your brain over a week or a semester and hope it sticks.
never taken a class on line. How would it feel? Could it be as effective as the traditional approach?
I was excited when I first heard about
AI class being offered by Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun.
Peter Norvig is the Director of Research at Google and the author of
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. He's written some terrific stuff, including
Teach Yourself Programming In Ten Years and
How To Write A Spelling Corrector. The latter is astounding. When I get on an airplane I get myself a drink and decide which movie I'm going to watch; Peter Norvig writes a statistics-based spelling corrector in 21 lines of Python code that's 70-80% accurate. It was a revelation to me when I first saw it.
I signed up and started with the best of intentions, but then Hurricane Irene knocked our power out for ten days and put me behind the eight ball. No Internet; no computer; no lectures.
My interest in statistics has been growing over the last few years. I've tried to better understand the Bayes approach - what it means and how it differs from the frequentist view that I've been exposed to. I've read
Doing Bayesian Analysis Using R and BUGS by John K. Kruschke. Don't let the adorable puppies on the jacket fool you: this is a terrific, well-written book. I've got blog posts describing other books about Bayes that have caught my attention.
But I've still never taken a basic statistics course. I saw that Sebastian Thrun, one of the AI class instructors, was offering
intro statistics at Udacity. I liked the lectures I saw him give for the AI class, so I thought I'd give it a go. I started just after Thanksgiving, with the goal of finishing before the end of the year.
The key for me is to make regular, concentrated effort, track my progress, and make sure that I avoid long gaps between sessions. I set up an Excel spreadsheet to record the date and units I covered. It was the same approach that got me through my first half marathon: plan the work, work the plan. It made it easy to see when I had a few days without getting another dose of learning.
I didn't meet my time goal of finishing before the end of 2012, but I didn't miss it by much. More importantly, I got through the entire course -
every lecture,
every assignment. The programming assignments were in Python, which I loved. I have the latest version of
PyCharm - the Python IDE from JetBrains, makers of the best programming tools on the planet. I have
NumPy and
SciPy, two terrific libraries for scientific computing and numerical methods. It made programming a pleasure.
Most importantly, I proved to myself that I can take good advantage of all the courses on-line: MIT, Stanford, Coursera, Udacity, Apple U and others.
I would still like to revisit AI class. There's a course from Stanford called
Probabilistic Graphical Models that presents Markov models in depth.
Linear algebra from Gil Strang at MIT would be a treat and a privilege.
But my next choice is
Computing for Data Analysis by Roger Peng. Coursera isn't offering it now, but it's available on YouTube from
Simply Statistics.
All kinds of knowledge is available to anyone with a computer, an Internet connection, and the drive to take it in. What a time to be alive.